editor’s letter
s the New Year gets
underway, we promise not
to nag you about keeping
those resolutions. Instead
we will continue to gently
nudge you with irresistible ideas to reinvent
yourself and your environs through our pages
in 2011. As our tag line states: We Inspire. You
Make it Happen. At Better Homes and
Gardens we take the job of infusing all our
pages with a feel-good factor along with tips
and tricks that are easy to execute, seriously
and we will continue to do that. Our issue is
packed with features that will allow you to
start the year off on a positive note. On page
41, we illustrate the importance of getting rid
of a grudge from the past and getting off to a
fresh start. We weigh the importance of
money in our increasingly materialistic lives,
where acquisitions are sometimes even
overtaking our happiness, and show you how
it’s possible to strike a balance between the
two. On the lighter side, we show you how to
handle a bad hair day; howr to keep those
champagne flutes shining; share DIY
composting tricks and even give you chef-
worthy ways to work with meat loaf. And if
the festive, wedding, and party season got you
to pack on some pounds last year, we even
show you 35 ways to walk yourself fit in the
next few months.
Winter is a lovely time to be outdoors in
most parts of the country. The crisp, cold and
bright atmosphere lends itself to spending
time in the gardens and parks around your
home. In our Outdoors section you will be
inspired by the information on how to add
cheer to your garden with two seasonal
flowers: pansies and climber roses that are
surprisingly easy to grow. Having grown up
in North East India for a large part of my
childhood, being outdoors in the garden was
a big part of our growing up experience.
From not-so-exciting encounters with hairy
caterpillars on the underside of geranium
leaves to the joys of picking strawberries and
peaches and dinner-plate-sized dahlias, life
was very much about spending time with and
learning about nature, naturally. In our
increasingly urban lives, it’s even more
important to expose the younger generation
to the allure of the outdoors.
As 2011 gets underway, Better Homes and
Gardens also moves towards celebrating four
successful years in India in March. All of us
at Team BHG wish our loyal readers a
fabulous and inspiring year ahead.
k b
Payal Kohli,
Retro Is Back.
As a design statement, as a nostalgic emotion, and as a feeling that anyone over
longs for. Everywhere, in fashion, product design, home decor or even music and
films, there is a harking back to bygone eras for inspiration. We especially love this
LG retro-styled i
-inch TV— it looks old-fashioned and charming, has an
extendable antenna and rotating knobs, with a modern digital inside. Plus, you can
watch TV in black and white or sepia! Bring on the
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